Interoception Activities Boom Cards



Self regulation strategies are more successful when students understand when to apply them. Interoception activities are the key to this missing piece. Knowing how they feel when experiencing emotions will help them apply the strategy before it is too late. Students will improve their self regulation skills when they are more aware of the link between body sensations and their emotions. Add interoception activities to your social emotional learning curriculum for faster results.

**This is a digital activity hosted on the Boom learning website.

  • This deck covers interoception, the inner senses that we feel (heartbeat, full bladder, butterflies in tummy, etc).
  • The first three cards in the deck (shown in preview) explain interoception, give samples of emotions and sensations, and match them with different body parts.
  • The remaining cards give an emotion and some sensations, then ask a question, or have the student pick different sensations that are associated with that emotion.

Check out my blog post to learn more about Boom Cards and how they work.

arrowClick HERE to preview this deck (you will see the first 4 cards)

Please look at the images to see samples of the resource.

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