Using Project Based Activities to Improve Executive Functioning Skills

Using project based activities to improve executive functioning skills can be fun and effective. Many kids struggle with basic executive functioning skills, which impacts classroom performance. Executive functioning skills include problem solving, planning, organization, critical thinking, and more. Working through a project with an end goal can include all of these skills. Using Project Based […]
Using Task Cards in the Classroom

Using task cards in the classroom is a great way to engage students. Task cards can cover any subject from simple math to complex science topics. They can be used at centers or placed around the room. Task cards can be physical cards or digital cards. Boom cards and Google Slides™ are often used as […]
Have you heard the term executive functioning skills but you are not quite sure what they are? Join the crowd! In a nutshell, EF skills are our higher level thinking skills, including planning, organizing, and problem solving. Every day, we use EF skills as we move through our day. When we get out of bed, […]
Hey everyone! How are you surviving the new school year? Every day, I get on FB and in my OT groups and Teachers Pay Teachers groups, the one common thing that I read about is how difficult it is to stay organized and to plan things this year. Planning and organization skills are two of […]