Have you heard the term executive functioning skills but you are not quite sure what they are? Join the crowd! In a nutshell, EF skills are our higher level thinking skills, including planning, organizing, and problem solving.

Every day, we use EF skills as we move through our day. When we get out of bed, we plan the steps needed to get ready to leave the house. These steps include might include taking a shower, brushing our teeth, eating breakfast, then going out the door. But wait! You forgot to get dressed! Well, usually we don’t forget something so obvious.

What about our kids? Do you find yourself constantly nagging your kids in the morning? Do they need reminders to get their homework done and in their backpacks?

Recently, I have focused on creating activities to support learning EF skills. I noticed that these type of resources are among my best sellers. As I am creating new resources, I can see related ones being purchased. This solidifies my view that more resources are needed.

My latest executive functioning activity is actually in a game format. There are three types of questions for the game: calendar based, clock based, and planning/organization based. So far, kids are loving the game. It comes in two formats; PDF (with color and B&W options) or Google Slides.



In addition, I have created some cool logic puzzles. These are great for making inferences, reading comprehension, and problem solving.


Be sure to let me know how your kids enjoy these activities!

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Miss Jenny OT

Hi, I'm Jenny!

I provide resources and education to teachers, therapists, and parents to support children of all ages. I am a recently retired occupational therapist, with 30 years of experience. I live with my husband and our dogs in Redmond, OR, where I spend my days creating resources for others.

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